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Plumbing Services

Common Plumbing Issues And How To Fix Them

Every homeowner will experience plumbing problems from time to time. Some can be handled with a little DIY savvy and others will require the assistance of professional Shreveport Plumbers.

Learning what to look out for and how to fix common issues like dripping faucets, high water bills, clogged drains, and running toilets will help to save you money on utility costs and prevent costly repairs.


Clogged Drains

Clogged drains can happen anywhere — in your kitchen sink, bathroom sink, tub, or even shower. They may be caused by food scraps, coffee grounds, hair, grease or soap scum. If you leave a clogged drain unattended, it can become worse and lead to overflowing or back-ups. Clogged drains can also be a breeding ground for household pests like drain flies, so it’s important to address them quickly.

Fortunately, fixing most clogged drains doesn’t require calling in a professional plumber. There are many DIY methods for unclogging a drain that you can try before making the call.

Start by sending a handful of dish soap down the drain and letting it sit for a few minutes. If the clog is grease-based, the soap will break down the grease and help dissolve it so the pipe can flow freely. Next, pour a few cups of boiling water down the drain to clear out any remaining gunk. Be careful not to overflow the drain with hot water, as it can damage your pipes.

For stubborn clogs, try using a wire coat hanger to grab and pull out the obstruction. If this doesn’t work, try using a drain snake. Insert the snake into the drain and crank it forward until you feel resistance, then twist it back and forth to break up the clog. Once you feel that the clog is completely broken up, run some hot water down the drain to flush out the pipe.

If you’ve already tried plunging, a wire coat hanger, and a drain snake, and the clog still isn’t going away, it might be time to call in a plumber. This is especially true if you’ve noticed multiple slow or clogged drains in your home, as this can be a sign of a bigger problem with your sewer line.

There’s nothing more frustrating than getting ready for a long shower only to find out that the water isn’t draining. Luckily, most slow or clogged drains can be fixed with a few simple DIY tools and a little know-how. For serious problems, however, it’s always best to contact a plumber from Bartingale Mechanical for help.

Leaky Pipes

Leaking pipes can lead to significant damage and create the perfect environment for mold and mildew to grow. The good news is that there are many steps you can take to prevent and fix leaky pipes before it’s too late.

Leaks can be caused by corrosion, misalignment, or even physical damage to the pipes themselves. Regardless of the cause, it’s important to have the issue fixed as soon as possible to avoid costly water damage and potential health hazards.

The best way to prevent leaking pipes is to perform regular plumbing maintenance and inspections with a professional. This can help identify issues, clean clogs, and replace worn-out parts before they become problematic. It’s also a great idea to use proper waste disposal practices and keep items like grease, paper towels, and hygiene products out of your drains and toilets.

If you do experience a pipe leak, the first step is to shut off your water to prevent further damage and ensure that no one is using any water in your home. Next, you can try to contain the leak by placing a bucket or other container under the damaged area. If possible, you should also try to turn off the main water supply valve to the affected area.

Finally, you can make some temporary pipe repairs if needed. The key is to find a repair product that works with your pipe material and type. For example, if your pipes are made of copper, you’ll want to use a product designed for that material. Finally, you’ll need to be sure that the repaired product is safe for drinking water and will not contaminate it.

If you’re having trouble finding a suitable repair product, it’s always a good idea to contact a professional plumber for a quick and easy solution. They’ll be able to provide you with the correct product and ensure that your pipes are repaired properly for long-lasting results. In the meantime, you can try using a rubber pipe connector to bridge a small gap or misalignment. These are available at most hardware stores and can be used by cleaning the area and drying it off before you apply the sealant.

Dripping Faucets

The dripping sound of a faucet can be irritating and wasteful. One drip per second adds up to over 2600 gallons of water lost per year, and the constant sound can drive homeowners insane. Fortunately, this problem is often easy to resolve for homeowners who are willing to put in the time and effort. Using a plunger to clear a clogged drain and replacing a worn washer are simple solutions that can fix most dripping faucets. However, if the problem is deeper than these small parts, it’s best to call a professional plumber.

Before attempting any repairs, make sure the water supply is turned off. Hopefully, whoever fitted the original faucet thought to fit shut-off valves on the hot and cold water supply lines, but if not, these can be easily fitted by any competent plumber. Once the water is off, remove the handles to expose the inner workings of the faucet. This usually involves unscrewing a set screw and lifting off the handle. Once exposed, look for loose parts that need to be tightened or replaced. For example, the adjusting ring and packing nut may become loose over time, leading to a leaky faucet. Loose or damaged O-rings are also common causes of leaky faucets, and if this is the case, they can be easily replaced by any experienced plumber.

Lastly, the inlet and outlet seals can wear out and require replacement. If the seals aren’t properly replaced, the leaking may continue. This is an easy job for a plumber, and it ensures the seals are correctly installed and less likely to wear out again in the future. After the replacements are done, the faucet should be reassembled and the water supply can be turned back on. Keeping up with regular cleaning of the faucets can help prevent mineral buildup that can lead to leaks. However, if the DIY repair methods mentioned above don’t work, it’s best to call a plumber to get the problem fixed quickly and efficiently. This can save you money, time, and frustration in the long run.

Running Toilets

The drip, drip, drip of a running toilet can be an annoyance, but it also wastes water and money. Fortunately, this common plumbing problem is usually easy to fix yourself.

The first step in fixing a running toilet is to determine the cause of the problem. There are a few possible culprits, including an imbalanced float, a loose fill tube, or a faulty flapper seal. Check each of these components to find the source of the problem.

If the issue is an imbalanced float, check to see if the float ball is up or just barely above water level. The float controls the amount of water that is allowed to flow into your toilet tank. When it is set too high or too low, the toilet will continue to run even after it has been flushed.

Next, try adjusting the float by turning the screw on the top of the float arm counterclockwise to lower it or clockwise to raise it. You can also clean the float valve seat with a cloth or mild abrasive cleaner to remove mineral deposits and improve the seal. If these steps don’t work, the valve seat may need to be replaced.

A loose or faulty fill valve can also cause your toilet to run intermittently. Check the fill valve’s inlet tube to make sure that it is securely attached to the overflow tube. If it isn’t, the tube might be leaking into the overflow tube or could have a hole in it that allows water to leak out constantly.

A faulty flapper seal can also let water into the overflow tube. A professional plumber can replace the flapper seal to prevent the excess water from flowing into your toilet bowl.


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